New Hampshire Chapter - Military Officers Association of America

Program Notes !!

November 2, 2024
Annual Meeting & Luncheon - Nashua Country Club
Speaker: Ty Gagne, award winning author
(more info)
December 7, 2024
Holiday Gathering - Jesse's Steaks, Seafood & Tavern, Hanover
Hopefully a chance to meet Vermont Chapter members. (more info)


Highlights of Past Events


First Meeting - Common Man Inn & Spa

    It was a beautiful, sunny spring day when the chapter held its first luncheon and meeting of 2024 on April 27th at the Common Man Inn & Spa in Plymouth, NH.  78 members and guests signed up to travel north to get out of their houses and enjoy the company of fellow chapter members.  Prior to the commencement of lunch, Chapter President, Lt Col Larry Miller, USAFR (Ret.), opened the meeting by announcing that the Chapter had received a 5-Star rating (top of the heap) for Level of Excellence (LOE) in MOAA's LOE competition and a 5-Star rating for our web site in MOAA's Communication competition.  Following him, Pat Miller, the Chapter's Surviving Spouse Liaison presented surviving spouse pins to two chapter members. We were there to honor the recipient of the twelfth annual Granite State Warriors Award (GSWA).  These awards are given to the New Hampshire resident or NH-based organization making the most significant contribution to the Armed Forces of the United States that year.  The recipient of the 2023 Granite State Warriors Award is John "Jack" R. Daly, Jr.  Jack Daly is a current advisor to Veterans’ Rest Stop-(VRS),  a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation established for the purpose of assisting veterans of the US Armed Forces who are in need of counseling and mentoring due to facing issues such as addictions, under-employment, medical issues, homelessness, domestic relations issues, personal issues and the like. Jack secured funding for VRS development ($240,000.).  He is currently an instructor at New England Disabled Sports based at Loon Mountain and Bretton Woods.
 Has been a volunteer for 29 years at New England Disabled Sports, working with Veterans and individuals with various disabilities.  He related working with several severely disabled veterans, and had difficulty fighting back his tears.  We were joined by one first time member - Deborah Davitt of Bethlehem.

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Check In Here
Pat Miller
Pat Miller, SSL
Jack Daly
GSWA Recipient, Jack Daly
Granite State Warrior Award

Summer Meeting - White Mountain Hotel and Resort

    It was a beautiful summer day on June 15, 2024, when the chapter held its second meeting of the year at the White Mountain Hotel and Resort in North Conway.  The only concern to the members was the fact that this was the same weekend as the annual Motorcycle Week in the Lakes Region and numerous members spent over a half hour getting through Meredith, NH.  It also happened to be the same weekend as Father’s Day.  Several made the suggestion that we do not schedule a luncheon for this weekend in the future, especially one that may require travel through the Lakes Region.

    Notwithstanding, 60 members and guests signed up for the luncheon and enjoyed a delicious meal choice of Chicken Piccata, Broiled Sirloin of Beef or Vegetarian Meal.  Our schedule speaker, Jeb Bradley, President of the New Hampshire Senate, unfortunately had to cancel at the last minute; however, chapter member Colonel Gerry Boyle, USMC (Ret.) ably stepped in and gave an excellent talk concerning the true meaning of Memorial Day.

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Check In Here
Socializing Before Lunch
Socializing Before Lunch
June Luncheon
June Luncheon

Annual Clambake

     The forecast was for rain; however the front moved Northeast and the day turned out to be gorgeous with a gentle sea breeze that made it very enjoyable.  August 3, 2024 marked the fortieth  anniversary of the chapter holding its Clambake.  Again this year, the event was jointly hosted by the New Hampshire Chapter and the Southern Maine Chapter of MOAA214 members, family and guests from several chapters enjoyed good fellowship and our traditional feast of clam chowder, lobster or steak, mussels, corn-on-the-cob, potatoes, onions, rolls and watermelon.

     We were joined by a number of distinguished guests including Senator Maggie Hassan; staff members from Senator Sheehan, Congressman Pappas and Congressman Golden’s (ME) offices; Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Commander CAPT Michael Oberdorf, USN and his wife Tara; several senior Shipyard officers; CAPT Frank Michael, USN (Ret.), Program Director, Council and Chapter Affairs MOAA, and members of various Chapters of MOAA stretching from Maine to Florida!  New Hampshire Chapter President Lt Col Larry Miller, USAFR (Ret.) and his wife Pat, the Chapter Surviving Spouse Liaison, welcomed everyone to the event.   We were honored to have a US Navy color guard, from the Shipyard, post the colors.  Senator Hassan spoke as well as CAPT Michael.

     This year the duties of Bakemaster were excellently carried out jointly by CW4 Bob Jaffin, USN (Ret.) and MAJ Jason Moody, USA, and once again the job of Drinksmaster was ably performed by CW5 Bernie Satterfield, USA (Ret.).  During the “Bake” a Silent Raffle was held to support the Scholarship Program.  Four recipients of Scholarship loans volunteered to help out wherever they were needed.

     The main benefit of the Clambake, other than to enjoy a great home-cooked bake, is to support the Chapter's Scholarship Fund.  This locally run program helps children and grandchildren of the New Hampshire Chapter members with college expenses by awarding grants of $2000.00 and $4000.00 per academic year.  This year EIGHT students will receive grants.  This year the Clambake raised $3,815.00.  Thank you to all who contributed!!

    In addition to the money raised for our Chapter's Scholarship Fund, Chapter members donated fifty-four food items helping to support the Manchester VAMC Veterans.   Finally, a special Bravo Zulu to all those who made this event as successful as it was.  It could not have been done without all the hard work of the chapter volunteers!!

40 Years
Former Sen. Ayotte ready to work
Former Sen Ayotte
CAPT Michael checking in
CAPT Michael checking in
Sen Hassan speaking
Sen Hassan speaking
Drinkmaster Satterfield
Drinkmaster Satterfield
Checking out the Silent Raffle items
Checking out the Silent Raffle
The serving line
The serving line
Enjoying their meal
Enjoying their meal
Enjoying good friendship
Enjoying good friendship

m/s Mount Washington Cruise
by LCDR Peter Dawson, USNR (Ret.)

The MS Mt Washinton cruise ship left the pier at Weirs Beach (Laconia) on Saturday, Sept 7th , with close to 60 MOAA members and spouses aboard.  The weather was perfect for an afternoon trip around Lake Winnipesaukee with bright sun, and 75 degrees for all to enjoy.
    The cruise line had an entire function room set aside for the group complete with a full buffet and window seats for all.  Ours was the only group of tourists aboard partaking of  any dining functions during the cruise.
    Lake Winnipesaukee has been a stop for visitors from across the globe for many years, and most aren’t aware that its name originates from two Native Americans and means “Smile of the Great Spirit.”  The story originates long ago when New Hampshire’s only inhabitants were Indians.
    The original Mt. Washington was built in 1872, and was a “paddle steamer.”  It was the largest steamer on the lake at 187’ in length and it eventually transported over 60,000 passengers around the lake annually.  The original ship was destroyed by fire at the pier in 1939, and the new cruise liner originated on Lake Champlain.  It was transported by rail to Lake Winnipesaukee in sections, making its first cruise in August, 1940.  Several updates have been made during the past 50 years including lengthening the ship by 20’ for new function rooms.
    Lake Winnipesaukee has over 260 islands, 130 of which are over ¼ acre in size.  The smallest is only 10’.  There are over 180 miles of shoreline and the lake is 28 miles long end-to-end with a surface are of 72 square miles.  The deepest site on the lake is 207’, and one of our MOAA members has done a deep dive to find this spot.  The south end of Winnipesaukee is about 90 miles from Boston.
    Our cruise was 3 hours long, and the ship traveled to Alton Bay then docked in Wolfeboro to transfer passengers.  There are several tours done daily during each season changing for different dates and functions. There are both daytime and evening dance trips between all ports on the lake many of which are formal with live music.
    The ship’s Captain Duffy spoke with the entire group during the afternoon, telling about the lake, the ship, and his staff including his own lengthy nautical background.  He explained that the ship stays in the water year-round but does have facilities in Center Harbor for pulling it ashore for bottom maintenance.
    MOAA is fortunate to have CW4 Bob Jaffin aboard MOAA New Hampshire, as he continues to organize and manage these types of outings.  In the past, he has sponsored dinners, and a fall train trip from Meredith to Plymouth (NH) several years ago including a full luncheon at the Common Man Inn & Spa (Plymouth).  Thanks from all, Bob.  We look forward to another train ride!

M/S Mt Washington Sign
M/S Mt Washington Sign
M/S Mt Washington Approaching
M/S Mt Washington Approaching
Buffet Line
Buffet Line
Enjoying Lunch
Enjoying Lunch
Capt Duffy Speaking
Capt Duffy Speaking
Capt Duffy, Larry Miller, Bob Jaffin
Capt Duffy, Larry Miller, Bob Jaffin
Returning Home
Returning Home
 Pictures by LCDR Peter Dawson, USNR (Ret.)


Annual Meeting - Nashua Country Club

    It was a pleasant autumn day on November 4, 2023 when the Chapter held its Annual Meeting and Luncheon at the Nashua Country Club.  The business meeting was attended by 24 Chapter members. 82 members and guests enjoyed a delicious meal excellently prepared by the staff of the club.  As always, the staff of the country club was extremely helpful in accommodating every request.
    Before the meal, those present participated in the traditional playing of all the service marches, including the new Space Force march.  Unfortunately, this year no one was present from the Coast Guard, NOAA or USPHS to stand up for their marches.  Our outgoing president, CPT James LeFebvre, USAR, presided over the installation of this year's Officers and Board of Directors for the chapter.  The results of the annual elections can be found on the "Chapter News" page.  Once again we acknowledged the passing of chapter members who had died since the last annual meeting.  TAPS was played for them.  During lunch, CDR Peter Burdett, USN (Ret.) and LTC Gary Terhune, USA (Ret.) collected $242.00 to support veterans’ organizations in NH.
    We were pleased to have as our guest speaker, Virginia "Gail" Joyce, Chair of the Surviving Spouse Advisory Council and member of MOAA Board of Directors, who spoke about being prepared for the passing of a loved one and other topics relating to that important subject.  Prior to her talk, she presented our new president, Lt Col Larry Miller, USAFR (Ret.), with the Certificate and Medallian for our 2022 5-Star Level of Excellence (LOE) Award.  We were joined by six first time attendees: Jason Moody of Portsmouth, Wayne & Gail Peters of Manchester, David & Zita Rosa of North Dighton, MA and Marcia Tamblyn of Londonderry.

Business Meeting
Business Meeting
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Check In Here
Socializing Before Lunch
Socializing Before Lunch
November Luncheon
November Luncheon
Swearing In
Swearing In
Passing The Gavel
Passing The Gavel
Receiving our 5-Star Award
Receiving Our 5-Star Award
Speaker's Gift
Speaker's Gift



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