New Hampshire Chapter - Military Officers Association of America

Program Notes !!

August 3, 2024

40th Anniversary Clambake - PNSY
(more info)
November 2, 2024
Annual Meeting & Luncheon - Nashua Country Club


Highlights of Past Events


First Meeting - Common Man Inn & Spa

    It was a beautiful, sunny spring day when the chapter held its first luncheon and meeting of 2024 on April 27th at the Common Man Inn & Spa in Plymouth, NH.  78 members and guests signed up to travel north to get out of their houses and enjoy the company of fellow chapter members.  Prior to the commencement of lunch, Chapter President, Lt Col Larry Miller, USAFR (Ret.), opened the meeting by announcing that the Chapter had received a 5-Star rating (top of the heap) for Level of Excellence (LOE) in MOAA's LOE competition and a 5-Star rating for our web site in MOAA's Communication competition.  Following him, Pat Miller, the Chapter's Surviving Spouse Liaison presented surviving spouse pins to two chapter members. We were there to honor the recipient of the twelfth annual Granite State Warriors Award (GSWA).  These awards are given to the New Hampshire resident or NH-based organization making the most significant contribution to the Armed Forces of the United States that year.  The recipient of the 2023 Granite State Warriors Award is John "Jack" R. Daly, Jr.  Jack Daly is a current advisor to Veterans’ Rest Stop-(VRS),  a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation established for the purpose of assisting veterans of the US Armed Forces who are in need of counseling and mentoring due to facing issues such as addictions, under-employment, medical issues, homelessness, domestic relations issues, personal issues and the like. Jack secured funding for VRS development ($240,000.).  He is currently an instructor at New England Disabled Sports based at Loon Mountain and Bretton Woods.
 Has been a volunteer for 29 years at New England Disabled Sports, working with Veterans and individuals with various disabilities.  He related working with several severely disabled veterans, and had difficulty fighting back his tears.  We were joined by one first time member - Deborah Davitt of Bethlehem.

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Pat Miller
Pat Miller, SSL
Jack Daly
GSWA Recipient, Jack Daly
Granite State Warrior Award

Summer Meeting - White Mountain Hotel and Resort

    It was a beautiful summer day on June 15, 2024, when the chapter held its second meeting of the year at the White Mountain Hotel and Resort in North Conway.  The only concern to the members was the fact that this was the same weekend as the annual Motorcycle Week in the Lakes Region and numerous members spent over a half hour getting through Meredith, NH.  It also happened to be the same weekend as Father’s Day.  Several made the suggestion that we do not schedule a luncheon for this weekend in the future, especially one that may require travel through the Lakes Region.

    Notwithstanding, 60 members and guests signed up for the luncheon and enjoyed a delicious meal choice of Chicken Piccata, Broiled Sirloin of Beef or Vegetarian Meal.  Our schedule speaker, Jeb Bradley, President of the New Hampshire Senate, unfortunately had to cancel at the last minute; however, chapter member Colonel Gerry Boyle, USMC (Ret.) ably stepped in and gave an excellent talk concerning the true meaning of Memorial Day.

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Socializing Before Lunch
Socializing Before Lunch
June Luncheon
June Luncheon


First Meeting -Nashua Country Club

    It was a clear, crisp winters day on February 18th when the chapter held its annual Granite State Warrior Award luncheon.  This year it was held at the Nashua Country Club in Nashua.  As always, the Nashua Country Club put on an excellent meal, and the service was second to none.  This year’s awardees were Phil and Julie Taub, founders of Swimming With A Mission (SWAM).  Their original event featured a swim across Newfound Lake.  Five years later, they now have hundreds of swimmers and volunteers showing up and raising money for our Veterans.  A featured event is a unique team building day led by the Navy SEALs.  Last year, they added a new event, Green Beret With A Mission challenge.

    Prior to the beginning of lunch, US Senator Maggie Hassan spoke about the work of the Taub’s and also some of the current legislation she is sponsoring in Washington.  Phil Taub gave a moving presentation about what SWAM is doing now and what they are undertaking beyond the swimming effort.  They are engaged in efforts to help veterans in areas that the various government agencies are dragging their feet on.  His talk was well received by everyone.  At the end, president, Jim LeFebvre, Presented the Taub’s with a certificate making them Honorary members of the chapter.

Sen Hassan
Sen Hassan
February Luncheon
February Luncheon
Head Table
Head Table
The Taub's
The Taub's
Speakers' Gift
Speakers' Gift
Pictures Courtesy of Col Andrew Breuder, USAF (Ret.)

Spring Meeting - Common Man Inn & Spa

    As we approached Plymouth on the Interstate and the Common Man Inn & Spa, the scenery became a white wonderland with snow covering the grassy areas and the trees.  The chapter held its spring meeting on April 1, 2023, and fortunately there were no April Fools pranks played that were known.  The 72 members and guests who signed up enjoyed their meals of a choice of Haddock, Turkey or Vegetarian.  Once again, the staff of the Common Man "bent over backwards" to ensure that we had a good time.  They even set up another table on short notice when some members showed up who weren't on the list.  Prior to lunch, the president, Jim LeFebvre, called all the Board of Directors present up to the podium to acknowledge their efforts in the chapter winning MOAA's 5 Star award in the Level of Excellence (LOE) for 2021.  Following the meal, everyone listened to our guest speaker, COL Davis Ulricson, NHARNG, Commander of the 197th Field Artillery Brigade, New Hampshire Army National Guard,whose unit had just returned from a nine month (plus) deployment to the Middle East.  He spoke about the unit and what artillery it possessed.  He went into detail concerning the training the members went through prior to deployment and while in the MIddle East.

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Board Photo For LOE **
April Luncheon
April Luncheon
Speaker's Gift
Speaker's Gift **
** Pictures Courtesy of Col Andrew Breuder, USAF (Ret.)

Summer Picnic - Tin Mountain Conservation Center

    On June 17th, 62 members, guests, and family members traveled to North Country to attend our very first luncheon at the Tin Mountain Conservation Center in Albany, NH. Unfortunately, due to heavy rain most of the day, we were unable to participate in any optional outdoor activities, but in the main meeting room, we had the opportunity to gather and enjoy ourselves while dining and listening to a great presentation by members of the NH ARNG Aviation Section regarding mountain rescues. Beer for sale was graciously provided by Tuckerman Brewing and our Gary Lovgren provided the wine for sale. A picnic style luncheon including pulled pork sandwiches, fried chicken, and various salads such as potato and macaroni were available as well as non-alcoholic beverages catered by Sweet Maple Café.
    Nancy Devine, current President of the Board of Directors at Tin Mountain, provided us with a brief history of the center and the efforts to expand their conservation and research activities since moving to this location. After lunch, we all listened to an informative PowerPoint presentation by CW3 Luke Koladish, one of the Blackhawk pilots, and SFC Aaron Angelis, the unit flight instructor, on the missions of the aviation section of the NH ARNG, primarily focusing on the aeromedical/rescue activities of the six HH-60M Blackhawks assigned to the 238th Medevac unit. They spoke to us about two relatively recent mountain rescues and the missions of the other two units, the 169th with 4 assigned HH-60L Blackhawks mainly used to transport personnel and logistical movements, and the one C-12 (Beechcraft KingAir) assigned primarily to move headquarters personnel around the state.
    Because of the rainy weather and the center had another group visiting the center later that afternoon, we luncheon broke up and we headed home around 2:30 pm.

Socializing Before Lunch
Socializing Before Lunch
Wine Anyone?
Wine Anyone?
50/50 Raffle
50/50 Raffle
June Picnic
June Picnic
Our Speakers
Our Speakers
Rescue Equipment
Rescue Equipment

Annual Clambake

    The day was a beautiful, sunny, breezy day, by the ocean, on August 5, 2023, when the chapter held it’s thirty-ninth annual Clambake.  The name was changed back to Clambake this year from “Lobsterbake” last year because we did not offer clams last year (other than clam chowder).  However clams were back this year so was “Clambake”. Our chapter hosted the “Bake” this year by ourselves as the Southern Maine Chapter elected not to be a cohost.  165 members, family and guests from several chapters enjoyed good fellowship and our traditional feast of clam chowder, lobster or steak, mussels and clams, corn-on-the-cob, potatoes, onions, rolls and watermelon.

    We were joined by a number of distinguished guests including Senator Maggie Hassan, Congressman Chris Pappas, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Commander, CAPT Michael Oberdorf, USN and his wife Tara, CAPT Frank Michael, USN (Ret.), Program Director, Council and Chapter Affairs MOAA, Col Jim O'Brien, USAF (Ret), Executive Vice President and COO of MOAA (at least his fifth year attending!), and members of various Chapters of MOAA stretching from Maine to Virginia!  New Hampshire Chapter President CPT Jim LeFebvre, USA welcomed everyone to the event.   We were honored to have a US Navy color guard, from the Shipyard Clinic, post the colors.

    This year the duties of Bakemaster were excellently carried out jointly by LTC Gary Terhune, USA (Ret.) and COL “Chad” Chadwick, USA (Ret.) and once again the job of Drinksmaster was ably performed by CW5 Bernie Satterfield, USA (Ret.).  We were joined by eight new chapter members:  Candyce & Robert Cummings of Nashua, Michael Fournier of Tuftonboro, Norman Fry & Dale Williams of Manchester, Richard & Barbara Maslin of Laconia, and Fred Guldbrandsen of Sanbornville, who joined on the spot.

    The main benefit of the Clambake, other than to enjoy a great home-cooked bake, is to support the Chapter's Scholarship Fund.  This locally run program helps children and grandchildren of the New Hampshire Chapter members with college expenses by awarding grants of $2000.00 and $4000.00 per academic year.  This year EIGHT students will receive grants.  Thank you to all who contributed!!

    In addition to the money raised for our Chapter's Scholarship Fund, Chapter members donated a substantial amount of can goods helping to support the Manchester VAMC Veterans.   Finally, a special Bravo Zulu to all those who made this event as successful as it was.  It could not have been done without all the hard work of the chapter volunteers!!

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Sen Hassan
Senator Maggie Hassan
Cong Pappas
Congressman Cris Pappas
Posting the Colors
Posting the Colors
Cong Pappas Serving
Cong Pappas Serving

Annual Meeting - Nashua Country Club

    It was a pleasant autumn day on November 4, 2023 when the Chapter held its Annual Meeting and Luncheon at the Nashua Country Club.  The business meeting was attended by 24 Chapter members. 82 members and guests enjoyed a delicious meal excellently prepared by the staff of the club.  As always, the staff of the country club was extremely helpful in accommodating every request.
    Before the meal, those present participated in the traditional playing of all the service marches, including the new Space Force march.  Unfortunately, this year no one was present from the Coast Guard, NOAA or USPHS to stand up for their marches.  Our outgoing president, CPT James LeFebvre, USAR, presided over the installation of this year's Officers and Board of Directors for the chapter.  The results of the annual elections can be found on the "Chapter News" page.  Once again we acknowledged the passing of chapter members who had died since the last annual meeting.  TAPS was played for them.  During lunch, CDR Peter Burdett, USN (Ret.) and LTC Gary Terhune, USA (Ret.) collected $242.00 to support veterans’ organizations in NH.
    We were pleased to have as our guest speaker, Virginia "Gail" Joyce, Chair of the Surviving Spouse Advisory Council and member of MOAA Board of Directors, who spoke about being prepared for the passing of a loved one and other topics relating to that important subject.  Prior to her talk, she presented our new president, Lt Col Larry Miller, USAFR (Ret.), with the Certificate and Medallian for our 2022 5-Star Level of Excellence (LOE) Award.  We were joined by six first time attendees: Jason Moody of Portsmouth, Wayne & Gail Peters of Manchester, David & Zita Rosa of North Dighton, MA and Marcia Tamblyn of Londonderry.

Business Meeting
Business Meeting
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Socializing Before Lunch
Socializing Before Lunch
November Luncheon
November Luncheon
Swearing In
Swearing In
Passing The Gavel
Passing The Gavel
Receiving our 5-Star Award
Receiving Our 5-Star Award
Speaker's Gift
Speaker's Gift



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